The First Few Things You Need to Look for in A Tire Shop
If there was an award for the most underrated car part, it would definitely go to tires. No one is excited at the prospect of buying them. Shopping for tires does not seem as exciting as finding new rims, for example, or looking around for a new detailing store. It seems as though if you have seen one, you have seen it all.
However, your tires are among the car parts that need the most care. A busted tire can spell the difference between a safe trip and your plans going south for the day. This makes shopping for them all the more important. When finding a good tire supplier, you need to remember a few things. Taking note of the following will help you narrow down stores and find out which are the most reliable ones:
Examine their stock
A quality shop should have a variety of types like all-season, performance, winter tires, and all-terrain tires. All-season tires are the most common and are usually 14-18” in diameter. Performance tires give more traction and can withstand the wear of cars moving at greater speeds. Other types of tires are crafted for specific reasons, like all-terrain and winter tires.
Though you might not use all of these types, seeing that the shop has a wide selection is a point in their favour. This means you are likely to find a set in your specifications. You will also be likely to get them on the day you order, instead of waiting for a shipment.
Check the tires for their UTQG code
This is a series of three characteristics you will find stamped on one side of the tire. This code shows tread-wear, traction and temperature resistance. Tread-wear refers to a tire’s life expectancy. The baseline for this measurement is 100. If a tire has a tread-wear of 200, it will last twice as long as the reference tire. The higher the number, the more durable the tire.
Traction shows how well a car resists wet surfaces. This refers to the tire’s performance in “straight-ahead” break tests. The scale for this indicator goes from C (the lowest possible score) all the way to AA (the highest).
Finally, temperature resistance shows the speed at which the tire safely dissipates heat. C safely dissipates from 85 to 1000 mph, B from 100 to 115 mph and A can go for speeds over 115 mph.
Tires with UTQG codes mean they meet the approval process of the Department of Transportation. If tires do not have UTQG codes it means they are not legal for street use in the United States or Canada.
Observe their customer service practices
Does this tire provider have a program for purchasing used tires? Second-hand tires are a good short-term solution in case you are not ready to purchase brand new ones. A shop that provides economical solutions is more interested in giving value to the customer than taking it from them.
Aside from seeing if they offer secondhand tires, consider soft skills. Are they welcoming from the moment you walk in the door, or do they ignore customers even if they are already at the counter? Do technicians talk to customers and attempt to build rapport or are clients left to fend for themselves while waiting for cars? Details matter.
When you are looking for a shop, you might feel overwhelmed by how similar the options are. Add to this the wide range of prices among the choices, and you will probably feel like you are in over your head. If you choose the right tire shop, you will be better informed about your purchases.
If you are looking for a tire shop in Richmond Hill, get in touch with us today. We are your one-stop-shop for vehicle needs from tires to auto parts and auto repair. Shop for tires on our site or get in touch with us to learn more!